The ultimate path to holistic oral care.

The ultimate path to holistic oral care.

Meet the founder and inventor of the world's first Dentist made Holistic Oral Health System and the man behind Aotearoads Tooth Tablets and Powder Mouthwash.

This is the ultimate guide to looking after the biome of your mouth, caring for your gums and minimizing tooth sensitivity and everything you need to know about the inventor Dr Hisham and his Holistic Oral Care.

Holistic Oral Care, Tooth Tablets, Powder Mouthwash.

The ultimate path to holistic oral care.

Dr Hisham’s oral care system was born out of a desire to protect not only his own oral health, but that of his own daughter’s as a baby, without adding hazardous substances to her sensitive little body. He started actively researching and mixing his own handmade formulations for his daughter Noor when she was born in 2001.

It all started with 1 Vital Question:
What if oral care products were actually health supplements protecting you and naturally nutritional to you and your symbiotic microbiome, rather than detergents, abrasives, irritants, toxins & environmental hazards?”

Then he went on to create the solutions ...

Why Is Holistic Oral Care So Important?

As a practicing dental surgeon and international educator, he realised that toothpaste and most conventional or natural oral hygiene products contain too many questionable ingredients that are not natural in effect on the human body, and not natural in source either.

They also haven’t succeeded in curbing the growing global epidemics of tooth decay, dental erosion, gum recession and disease, as well as bad breath and dry mouth (xerostomia).

Dr. Hisham felt compelled to create an empowering system that he knew would provide your smile with the nourishment and protection that he wished for his own family - naturally and safely.

Backed by a depth of insider knowledge, expertise, and research as well as support from professional academics and dental colleagues internationally, he was motivated to evolve and share his personal innovations to help more people experience greater well-being like his family and trusting guests have, over the last 15 years.

Welcome Aotearoad Tooth Tablets and Powder Mouthwash.

After meeting Dr Hisham and having him as a dentist, I witnessed his talents and obvious rapport with his clients & became a fan of his products from my first dental appointment. Vanessa and I could not wait to collaborate on something and help Dr Hishams amazing products reach a wider audience within New Zealand. It has been the perfect addition to the Aotearoad family of holistic products.

Aotearoad Natural Powder Mouthwash:
This easy-to-use powder mouthwash is as simple as popping a small amount of powder in your mouth and taking a sip of water, swish, slosh, and gargle for a few minutes then spit out. Doing this before brushing will help soften plaque and break down bacteria. A natural bio-balancing formulation that is a dentist-made world first prebiotic blend of bio-minerals and active ingredients like Birch, Xylitol which helps prevent bad breath and reduce the risk of dental decay.

Aotearoad Natural Tooth Tablets:
A prebiotic fluoride-free alternative to toothpaste that uses dentist-made unique alkaline blend o bio-materials including nano-hydroxyapatite, a natural mineral that is clinically proven to remineralise teeth and help reduce tooth sensitivity(a superior & higher quality natural alternative to fluoride). Super easy to use, you will soon look forward to popping that little tablet between your teeth and crushing it before you brush. For best results, gargle & rinse with Aotearaod's alkaline powder mouthwash first to soften plaque & break down bacteria, then pop one tablet in your mouth, chew, then gently brush your teeth & gums with a soft toothbrush. Spit if needed, no need to rinse.

Dr Hisham's background and why we trust him with our smiles.

Dr. Hisham Abdalla is a New Zealand Doctor, practicing as a Laser Cosmetic Dental Surgeon. He is also a professional educator, transformational speaker, mind & mouth health expert and researcher, as well as Founder of Laser LifeCARE Institute and LaserKidsDental.

He is an international bestselling author and Personal Leadership Coach. He publicly teaches progressive wellness through balancing the health of mind, mouth, body, society and humanity, individually and collectively. Dr Hisham is New Zealand's first multiple Laser dentist and active mentor to colleagues. He was an invited Associate Professor at Cagliari University and is an affiliate member of the American Dental Association. He is an internationally acclaimed educator in the fields of Laser Dentistry, High-tech dentistry and Cosmetic and Full Face Aesthetic Dentistry.

Hisham is known for his pioneering ideas, strong motivation and passion for research and knowledge. He’s been nominated by his colleagues at the Auckland Dental Association for NZDA Young Dentist of the Year in 2005 and in 2006 he represented New Zealand as a finalist at the ‘Royal Australasian College of Dental Surgeons Young Lecturer of the Year Award’

Other recognitions include the youngest Fellowship and Diplomate status from the World Congress of Minimally Invasive Dentistry. He served as a member of the Directors Board of this organization in the USA. Dr Hisham is a founding member of the NZ Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry, founding member and past Vice President of the NZ Institute of Minimal Intervention Dentistry, fellow of the World Clinical Laser Institute and member of the New Zealand Dental Association.

He believes that a true healthcare physician is one who empowers, energises, and engages humans to look after themselves and firmly believes in the power of integrity and human unity.

Buy Aotearaod Tooth Tablets and Powder Mouthwash at

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